Recent Donations Received

We acknowledge recent donations on this page. We often get anonymous donations that we want to recognize. We process donations on Fridays. If you don’t see your donation, please contact us today.

Please rejoice with us.

#donors #receipts #acknowledgements #partners

We give feedback to individual donors where possible. As of 30 April 2024, we have distributed 13 463 audio Bibles this year to counies including Kenya, Ghana, South Africa, Sudan, South Sudan, Tanzania, Lesotho, and Namibia.

Loffie, Johan and Ibrahimu on a motorcycle to visit the church in the Tanga region of Tanzania.
Loffie, Johan, and Ibrahimu are about to distribute 80 audio Bibles to MBBs in the Tanga region.

We are grateful for your contribution.
