Support our Projects at MegaVoice International Africa

We are a non-profit organization funding projects reaching the lost in Africa, providing solar-powered audio Bibles & rugged video players #solarbible #audiobible

We have various projects in need of support! You can buy solar audio Bibles for or contribute to the following projects:

Bibles4ChrismasThere are many rural people in Zimbabwe who cannot read and afford an audio Bible. We plan to send 1000 to them.Bibles4Chrismas
Woman of the Way is reaching out to the displaced Karimojong-speaking women in UgandaReach inmates with the Word of God! The target is 200 audio Bibles.Prison
MozambiqueNorthern Mozambique is in turmoil due to unrest and religious intolerance. The target is 2000 audio Bibles. We are well over 50%Moz2000
HimbaThe Himba people are nomads and are currently targeted by other religions from the Middle East. Our target is to get 1000 audio Bibles to them. We are about 40% on the wayHimba1000
MalawiMalawi is home to Chichewa, Chiyao and Tumbuka speakers. It is a poor country and many people cannot afford a BibleMal800
ZimbabweThere are many rural people in Zimbabwe that cannot read and afford an audio Bible. We plan to send 1000 to them.Zim1000
IBDInteractive Bible Discovery Training helps oral learners to engage with the Bible. The need is 300 Bibles for 2024 Read more – IBD Training IBD300
WomanThere are many rural people in Zimbabwe who cannot read and afford an audio Bible. We plan to send 1000 to them.WotW
GeraldGerald is the MegaVoice Uganda contact. He needs more support to continue serving.MVUG
KalenjinLydia and Wilco Venter minister among Kalenjin speakers in Lomolo near Nakuru in Kenya. These people have been moved several times and need encouragement from God’s Word.KAL200
BlindThere are many blind people in Africa that can not afford an Audio Bible. They need to hear the word of GodBlind1200
DeafMany blind people in Africa can not afford an Audio Bible. They need to hear the word of GodDeaf180

Click to donate

A Bible is about R550 or US$30 eachbut it depends on quantity, shipment to the final destination, and taxes. It also depends on the type of player appropriate and the specific audio loaded and royalties.

Any number of Bibles are welcome! Even the smallest amount makes a difference for God’s Kingdom.

There are different ways to donate to our projects:

  1. Donate by Bank Transfer
    Banking details:

Bank:                        ABSA
Branch:                   Worcester
Account:                40-9894-9446
Branch Code:      632005
Reference: Project name and your name
(Current project names: KAL200, Prison, Moz2000, Him1000, Zim1000, IBD, WotW)

2. For international transfers
Bank details:

Account Name:    MegaVoice International Africa NPC
Beneficiary: MegaVoice International Africa NPC
Bank name: ABSA International Bank
Bank account number: 40-9894-9446
Bank branch name: ABSA Towers North
Branch location: 180 Commissioner Str, Johannesburg, 2001
Bank branch code: 630937
Name of Business: MegaVoice International Africa NPC
Street Address: 789 Spartan Street, Wingate Park
City: Pretoria
Country: South Africa
Postal Code: 0181

Reference: Project name and your name
(Current project names: KAL200, Prison, Moz2000, Him1000, Zim1000, IBD, WotW)

3. Secure payment via PayFast by Credit / Debit card


4. Payments via GivenGain
You can pay via the GivenGain platform – click here (Master and Visa cards)

Click the image to donate via givengain

5. Scan the QR code and pay via Zapper
You can pay using Master and Visa cards:

Scan this code to support our projects
Envoy 2 Elite – Solar powered audio Bible
Envoy Connect in the Lane Cove Library in Sydney
Man with an audio Bible and a printed Bible
Some can read but MANY can’t read!
